Gas GasSM 450 Halley摩托车

2010款Gas GasSM 450 Halley摩托车
发动机类型:4-valve head mono-cylinder, four-strokw, wet crankcase 发动机排量:4449cc
油箱容积:4 L 干重:262.35 KG
气缸:97mm x 60.8mm 档位:六档s- Oil-covered multidisc 离合器hydraulic command
前悬挂:One-piece 铝质Tilt, 渐进系统220mm 避震absorber 后悬挂:One-piece 铝质Tilt, 渐进系统220mm 避震absorber
前制动:Disk 260mm and floating double-piston caliper 后制动:Disk 220mm and floating single-piston caliper
前胎:120 x 60-17 in. 后胎:150 x 60-17 in.
最高时速 最大功率

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