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平和通常喜欢轻描淡写,但他们的表演项目,他们拿出浑身解数。 'T20德林格200'叫绝的法官和捧回了“最佳摩托车 - 欧洲冠军奖杯。

t’s based on a Triumph Tiger Cub T20, a 199cc single that was popular with learner riders in the 1960s. In stock form, the humble Cub is hardly a shining example of British industry—but Heiwa has transformed it into a jewel-like low-rider.

The elegant simplicity of the engine is brought to the fore, with cut-away cases and a simple funnel feeding the carburetor. Virtually every other part is hand-fabricated, from the tiny tank to the vestigial rear fender.

The attention to detail is exquisite: note how the angle of the rear shocks almost exactly matches the frame downtube, and the detailing on the endcap of the exhaust muffler.

Most Heiwa motorcycles are the kind that you can just hop on and ride. This one is a far richer dish, but none the worse for it. Check out Heiwa’s other builds on the companywebsite—which unlike most Japanese sites, is navigable for those who only speak English.

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