MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

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MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

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就在昨日,杜卡迪赛队的车手, AndreaDovizioso AndreaIannone MotoGP 国际摩托车冠军赛2015首站的赛场上凭借超强的发挥和杜卡迪赛队新战车GP15赢得了出色的成绩,此次比赛是在位于多哈郊外的 Losail 国际赛车场举办的。也是新战车 Desmosedici GP15 的首次正式比赛亮相。关于比赛的转播视频您可以通过点击文章最下的阅读原文查看。

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

这无疑是一场精彩的比赛,Dovizioso 凭借在排位赛中的精彩表现拔得首发杆位,在正赛中以第一名的位置遥遥领先,在第18圈时与 Jorge Lorenzo 激烈对抗后再度取得领先位置。第21圈虽被 Valentino Rossi 凭借走位超越但仍奋起直追,最终以仅0.174秒的成绩失之冠军位置。

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名
MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

另一名赛手 Iannone以排位赛第四名进入比赛,在前12圈中均力保第三位置,在第19圈落到第四之后很快再度超越 Lorenzo 回到第三,最终以2秒之差赢得第三名,这是他职业生涯中首次登上 MotoGP 颁奖台。MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

全新杜卡迪 DesmosediciGP15 在本届比赛上大放异彩,对于这台刚刚在一个月前完成在雪邦赛道的二阶测试的超级跑车来说已经向世人证明了它的无限潜力。查看视频:

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati Team #04) – 亚军

“This is a specialresult for Ducati and for me, after everything we have been through in the lastfew years, and it rewards the work that we have done together to arrive at thispoint. I never expected to be so competitive in the first race, and it reallyis an extraordinary result. I want to thank all the engineers and the people inBologna, who managed to get the bike ready in time for the Sepang 2 tests, themechanics who have worked so hard this weekend and all the guys in Ducati Corsefor the commitment they have demonstrated with this project. Iannone and Imanaged to get two podiums for Ducati and that’s a great result, but above allnow I believe that this is only a starting-point for the future.”

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

Andrea Dovizioso 在比赛结束后表达了对团队的感谢,并特别表示杜卡迪工程师和团队成员对车辆的调整和进步,取得成绩和团队是密不可分的。并表达了对未来的更多期待。

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名Andrea Iannone (Ducati Team #29) – 季军

“I am very pleasedwith this result: it is my first podium in MotoGP and it’s really incredible tohave done it on my debut race as a factory Ducati rider. Dovi and I finishedsecond and third with the new GP15 bikes, and I didn’t expect to be socompetitive so soon in the first race, so it really is a fantastic sensation.Back home the guys in Ducati Corse have done a great job this winter, and I owea lot to them. Since 2013 I have had the support of this great company, whichhas helped me to improve and which has taught me a lot of things, and so Iwould like to dedicate my first podium to all of them. A big thanks to everyonein Ducati, to Gigi Dall’Igna, to Claudio Domenicali and all the people who workwith me.”

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名
Andrea Iannone 则表示此次首次登上MotoGP颁奖台是对他个人和整个杜卡迪团队的一次鼓励,自2013年加入杜卡迪之后不断精进和学习,感谢团队在整个冬季付出的努力,再接再厉。

Luigi Dall’Igna (Ducati Corse 赛队总经理)

“For sure it’s agreat emotion to have two riders on the podium with the new GP15, and for thisreason I am really pleased, especially for all the guys in Ducati Corse whohave done a great job back home in planning, designing and building the newbike in such a short period of time over the last few months. Probably today wecould have even come away with a victory and not having done so actually leavesme with a tinge of disappointment, but today’s result in any case is fantasticand I am sure that we will manage to achieve our aim in the next few races.”

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名
MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名

赛队总经理LuigiDall’Igna 肯定了两位赛手和团队的表现,并表示对GP15的高度期待和赞许,从研发到投入比赛只用了非常短的几个月,但表现出来的潜力则是无限的。期待将来的比赛中杜卡迪会收获更多成绩。

MotoGP 2015首站卡塔尔杜卡迪赛队荣获亚季名
刚刚整修过的 Losai 赛道见证了杜卡迪的精进,精彩的比赛让每一个摩托车爱好者连呼过瘾,赛季才刚刚拉开帷幕,相信后面的争夺将愈加有看点!


活动预告:杜卡迪北京将在展厅为您带来 MotoGP 精彩比赛视频,DOC车主俱乐部成员更有机会亲临 Audi City 与我们一起亲临MotoGP夜现场!敬请期待!

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